Lorry Transport Rate

Lorry Transport Rate in Malaysia

If you’re looking for an affordable lorry transport rate in Malaysia, Mega Movers offers excellent and budget-friendly packages for tailgate lorry rental and truck transport. In addition to providing reliable moving and packing services, we’re also known as a source of well-maintained lorry trucks for hire, including drivers. 

Whether you’re home moving, business moving, or commercial moving, we can offer some of the best lorry transport rates in Kuala Lumpur and Selangor. Get in touch with us today so we can get started.

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Lorry Transport Service Price: Some Factors

A lorry transport rate in Malaysia is typically influenced by a number of factors. Check out the following considerations in the way we compute a packaged or customised rate here at Mega Movers. 

  • Travel Distance  

Not all lorry transport rates in Kuala Lumpur and Selangor are the same — and this is precisely because the travel distance from location to location can vary. The longer and more complex the travel distance, the higher the rate for the lorry rental and overall moving service.

  • Item Types 

Different kinds of items loaded into a truck transport can vary in size, bulk, weight, material, complex assembly and disassembly, and more. Different items can mean different levels of work involved in moving, packing, and transport. The lighter and fewer the items to be transported, the cheaper the lorry rental can be. 

  • Lorry Type and Size

A tailgate lorry rental can also differ according to the different capacities and sizes of the lorry itself. Renting the 1 tonne lorry is generally more affordable than renting the 3 tonne or 10 tonne trucks. Nevertheless, choosing the right size and capacity of lorry is crucial for the efficient transport of the items. 

  • Number of Trips Required 

Finally, a lorry transport service price is also influenced by the number of trips needed to carry out the conveyance successfully and completely. A truck transport that requires only a single trip is generally much cheaper compared to moves with multiple trips — but it also helps to remember the other factors involved. 

Not all lorry rental rates are created equal due to the fact that not all moving requirements are the same. Take time to evaluate the factors influencing your next move or trip and see how we can create the best value for you, given the budget you have on hand. 

Tailgate Lorry Rental and Moving Services

The logistical considerations of any kind of move cannot be taken for granted. Professional moving services can offer you some of the cheapest lorry transport rate in Malaysia. For just an affordable rate, you can leave the moving, packing, and lorry transport work to our reliable movers and lorry drivers. 

Here at Mega Movers, we make sure that we have the best lorry transport service price rates for the kind of valuable services we offer. Check out our lorry transport rates in Kuala Lumpur and Selangor today. Or message us to request for a no-obligation quote.



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